[RFC - Update] Deploy Uniswap v3 (1 / 0.3 / 0.05 / 0.01) on BNB Chain (Binance)

A Multi-bridge Implementation for Uniswap Governance is Now Available

It is now quite clear that the initial concern raised by the community about Celer’s upgradability contract, which we addressed here and plan to deprecation soon, is absolutely not bigger concerns comparing to many of the issues revealed and discussed in the forum.

While we have a lot to say about the ongoing debates in the forum and CT, we refrain from doing so and instead now deliver a multi-bridge Uniswap governance solution that is vendor-lock-in-free for Uniswap community to consider.

For Uniswap community who has not casted votes yet, please vote for Celer to express your support for this kind of multi-bridge solution.

This solution is strictly better than choosing a single bridge in terms of security and availability. In addition, it also retains the strongest bargaining power in the hands of Uniswap community to always receive the best services. See this for more context.

The implementation combines both Celer and Wormhole and is open-sourced here

All other bridges/cross-chain solutions such as LayerZero can be added easily via adapters.

We are setting up a testnet transaction to demonstrate this end-to-end. @Wormhole team we hope that you can help to set up a relayer for this because otherwise the only easy way would be deploying on Avalanche and BSC testnet where Wormhole generic relayers are available to our knowledge. Feel free to DM!

Now let’s get to the solution specification.

Send Cross-Chain Messages through Multiple Bridges

This is a solution for cross-chain message passing without vendor lock-in and with enhanced security beyond any single bridge. A message with multiple copies are sent through different bridges to the destination chains, and will only be executed at the destination chain when the same message has been delivered by a quorum of different bridges.

The current solution are designed for messages being sent from one source chain to multiple destination chains. It also requires that there is only one permitted sender on the source chain. This would be the use case for Uniswap governance contract on Ethereum
calling remote functions of contracts on other EVM chains.


Send message on source chain

To send a message to execute a remote call on the destintion chain, sender on the source chain should call remoteCall() of MultiBridgeSender, which invokes sendMessage() of every bridge sender apdater to send messages via different message bridges.

│ Source chain                                                                                            │
│                                                                                                         │
│                                                             ┌─────────────────┐   ┌───────────────────┐ │
│                                                         ┌──►│ Bridge1 Adapter ├──►│ Bridge1 Contracts │ │
│                                                         │   └─────────────────┘   └───────────────────┘ │
│                                                         │                                               │
│ ┌────────┐remoteCall()┌───────────────────┐sendMessage()│   ┌─────────────────┐   ┌───────────────────┐ │
│ │ Caller ├───────────►│ MultiBridgeSender ├─────────────┼──►│ Bridge2 Adapter ├──►│ Bridge2 Contracts │ │
│ └────────┘            └───────────────────┘             │   └─────────────────┘   └───────────────────┘ │
│                                                         │                                               │
│                                                         │   ┌─────────────────┐   ┌───────────────────┐ │
│                                                         └──►│ Bridge3 Adapter ├──►│ Bridge3 Contracts │ │
│                                                             └─────────────────┘   └───────────────────┘ │
│                                                                                                         │

Receive message on destination chain

On the destination chain, MultiBridgeReceiver receives messages from every bridge receiver adapter. Each receiver adapter gets encoded message data from its bridge contracts, and then decode the message and call receiveMessage() of MultiBrideReceiver.

MultiBridgeReceiver maintains a map from bridge adapter address to its power. Only adapter with non-zero power has access to receiveMessage() function. If the accumulated power of a message has reached the a threshold, which means enough number of different bridges have delivered a same message, the message will be executed by the MultiBrideReceiver contract.

The message execution will invoke a function call according to the message content, which will either call functions of other contracts, or call the param adjustment functions of the MultiBridgeReceiver itself. Note that the only legit message sender is the trusted dApp contract on the source chain, which means only that single dApp contract has the ability to execute functions calls through the MultiBridgeReceiver contracts on different other chains.

│ Destination chain                                                                                          │
│                                                                                                            │
│ ┌───────────────────┐   ┌─────────────────┐                                                                │
│ │ Bridge1 Contracts ├──►│ Bridge1 Adapter ├──┐                                                             │
│ └───────────────────┘   └─────────────────┘  │                                                             │
│                                              │                                                             │
│ ┌───────────────────┐   ┌─────────────────┐  │receiveMessage()┌─────────────────────┐ call()  ┌──────────┐ │
│ │ Bridge1 Contracts ├──►│ Bridge2 Adapter ├──┼───────────────►│ MultiBridgeReceiver ├────────►│ Receiver │ │
│ └───────────────────┘   └─────────────────┘  │                └─────────────────────┘         └──────────┘ │
│                                              │                                                             │
│ ┌───────────────────┐   ┌─────────────────┐  │                                                             │
│ │ Bridge2 Contracts ├──►│ Bridge3 Adapter ├──┘                                                             │
│ └───────────────────┘   └─────────────────┘                                                                │
│                                                                                                            │

Add new bridge and update threshold

Below are steps to add a new bridge (e.g. Bridge4) by the dApp community.

  1. Bridge4 provider should implement and deploy Bridge4 adapters on source chain and all destination chains. The adapter contracts should meet the following requirements.
    • On the source chain, the sender adapter should only accept sendMessage() call from MultiBridgeSender.
    • On the destination chain, the receiver adapter should only accept messages sent from the Bridge4 sender adapter on the source chain, and then call receiveMessage() of MultiBridgeReceiver for each valid message.
    • Renounce any ownership or special roles of the adapter contracts after inital parameter setup.
  2. Bridge4 provider deploy and open source the adapter contracts. dApp community should review the code and check if the requirements above are met.
  3. dApp contract (Caller) on the source chain adds the new Bridge4 sender adapter to MultiBridgeSender on the source chain by calling the addSenderAdapters() function of MultiBridgeSender.
  4. dApp contract (Caller) on the source chain adds the new Bridge4 receiver adapter to MultiBridgeReceiver on the destination chain by calling the remoteCall() function of MultiBridgeSender, with arguments to call updateReceiverAdapter() of the MultiBridgeReceiver on the destination chain.

Updating quorum threshold is similar to configure a new bridge receiver adapter on destination chain. It requires a remoteCall() from the source chain Caller with calldata calling updateQuorumThreshold() of the MultiBridgeReceiver on the destination chain.


Use case: contract A on Goerli send message to contract B on BSC Testnet in order to call enableFeeAmount() for state change. Apply a 2-of-3 messages governance model with message bridge C, D and E.

Deployment and initialization

  • Deploy MultiBridgeSender on Goerli, set address of A as allowed caller.
  • Deploy MultiBridgeReceiver on BSC Testnet.
  • Each message bridge provider prepare their own SenderAdapter and ReceiverAdapter, named with a prefix of their bridge name. Take preparation of CSenderAdapter and CReceiverAdapter as an example.
    • Deploy CSenderAdapter on Goerli, set address of MultiBridgeSender as multiBridgeSender.
    • Deploy CReceiverAdapter on BSC Testnet, set address of MultiBridgeReceiver as multiBridgeReceiver.
    • Call updateReceiverAdapter() of CSenderAdapter, set address of CReceiverAdapter on BSC Testnet(chain id 97) as a valid ReceiverAdapter.
    • Call updateSenderAdapter() of CReceiverAdapter, set address of CSenderAdapter on Goerli(chain id 5) as a valid SenderAdapter.
    • Transfer ownership of CSenderAdapter and CReceiverAdapter to address(0).
  • Once all message bridges are ready, somehow let contract A call addSenderAdapters() of MultiBridgeSender with an address array of CSenderAdapter, DSenderAdapter and ESenderAdapter.
  • Call initialize() of MultiBridgeReceiver, with an address array of CReceiverAdapter, DReceiverAdapter and EReceiverAdapter, and power threshold 2.

Sending your message

Prepare a calldata for contract B for calling enableFeeAmount(), then somehow let contract A call remoteCall() of MultiBridgeSender with _dstChainId = 97, _target = <address of contract B> and _callData = <calldata you prepared>.


Imagine that the messages sent via C, D and E received by MultiBridgeReceiver on BSC Testnet in an order of 1.C 2.D 3.E. During receiving message sent via D, accumulated power reaches power threshold 2, which result in message execution(the calldata will be sent to contract B).

Notes to the community

We are more than happy to answer any questions, help with tests, collaborate with similar-minded builders like @AlexSmirnov, iterate based on feedbacks and provide audits from community selected firms.

Although Celer, being a 2018-vintage project, does not have the backing of large UNI-holding investors at this moment, we do trust the integrity and intelligence of all the Uniswap delegates to choose this positive-sum path that ensures the highest level of security and service quality for Uniswap’s multi-blockchain expansion.

We will update this post with testnet transactions once we worked through the small integration work using @Wormhole .