[RFC] Uniswap Delegate Reward

Hello Uniswap Community, we are happy to share that from reflecting on the various feedback regarding Uniswap Delegate Reward discussion, a Working Group was formed to assess the current landscape of Uniswap governance and delegate responsibilities, all to build the framework for a successful Delegate Reward Initiative.

The process will involve consulting with stakeholders, evaluating existing delegate composition, roles, contributions, and responsibilities via both quantitative and qualitative research, and conducting market research to determine best practice.

We want to thank @noturhandle for organizing the questions and thoughts about such the Proposal during the GovSwap event, laying out the process together for a successful Uniswap Delegate Reward Initiative.

The Working Group had the first meeting yesterday, and is composed of following members:

Gab from @she256
Jake from @Gauntlet

The Working Group is aiming to have the offchain vote ready in 4-5 weeks, and will reach out to various contributors to the Uniswap ecosystem for their feedback.