[RFC] Phase 2 - Optimism-Uniswap Protocol Liquidity Mining Program

Hello everyone, we are from DefiEdge.


We have created a liquidity management layer over Uniswap V3. Our strategies provide a permission less, non-custodial method of aggregated liquidity management over Uniswap V3.

DefiEdge makes managing liquidity on Uniswap V3 much easier through various unique tools and features:

  • Support for multiple ranges
  • Automated Strategy Management
  • Limit Orders on Uniswap V3 using Gelato or Chainlink Keepers
  • Single or dual asset deposits
  • Management and rebalancing through a strategy manager
  • Swaps for rebalancing are executed using 1inch to provide access to deep liquidity and reduce slippage
  • Simple and intuitive UI to assess performance
  • Native support for liquidity-mining rewards

The platform has already attracted significant liquidity on different layers over a short time period:
Current Protocol Metrics:

  • TVL: 892.169k
  • Fees Generated: 4.118k
  • Total Volume: 11.6M

Currently the following are being actively managed via our Platform

  • Total Strategies created: 225
  • Active positions: 297

Incentivize Pool

We have been managing some liquidity in the OP/WETH (0.3%) Uni V3 pool for over one month OP-WETH DE strategy.

These are current stats for OP-WETH pool on DefiEdge:

  • AUM: 984.5$
  • Fee APR: 19.65%

It shows good returns even without any liquidity-mining incentives. The strategy has generated approximately 20.5% fee (annualized) so far. The returns over forty-days days are approximately 2.4% in USDC and 6.4% in ETH, even though OP has marginally lost value against USD over the same period (0.986-1.01 USD at the time of first deposit). All this analysis can be viewed through our UI and verified on-chain. **

As our platform allows for multiple ranges, liquidity managers are free to allocate capital across different ranges based on different market forecasts.

Rewards Structure

Rewards should be distributed based on the fee generated through the strategy to ensure active liquidity and distributed gradually.

We propose the OP/wETH (0.3%) pool for the LM program.

The rewards are distributed proportionately to the amount OP earned as fees. We will manage 2M USDC of liquidity in each pool for six months and distribute 120k OP. Fees in OP will be roughly equal to the fees earned in the other token in USD (which has been the case in our observation across all UniV3 pools)—given a fee APR of 15%, that would amount to roughly 156k OP tokens fees. With 120k of OP as LM rewards, this would translate to an approximate 40% APR boost in the user’s fee APR.

** There might be mild fluctuations in the numbers with price volatility in the individual tokens’ prices. The numbers reported here are as of 28th December 2022.