[RFC] - Gamma Strategies - Distribute at least 1/3 of $ARB airdrop as liquidity incentives

Right now we’re currently in the proposal phase. See this thread here: https://gov.uniswap.org/t/request-for-proposals-arb-distribution/21287?u=bp333

Tl;Dr - Uniswap received a 4.4M ARB distribution, and the Uniswap Foundation is requesting proposals until the end of the day today.

The proposal period should run for two weeks (till Wednesday, 7 June). At that point, proposals that have garnered community feedback should incorporate it in new Temperature Check posts in accordance with the approved governance process . Delegates with enough voting power are also encouraged to reach out and help proposals they support to launch Snapshot polls. The UF will also be available to help in this capacity.