[RFC]: Delegation of UNI to Active but Underrepresented Delegates

We support this initiative and have responded to the poll in favor of including five delegates. If this number of delegates adds difficulty due to the mechanics of delegation and the number of franchiser contracts only being three, a lower amount is okay.

  • @Doo_StableLab Do you have data available that projects which delegates are currently eligible at the 90% participation requirement?

  • @Doo_StableLab May have missed this, but with the stickiness of delegations a common issue, how frequently would these delegations be rebalanced? Every three months?

If the concern is that there are worthy, active delegates who have a lower participation rate, the threshold could be reduced and a ranked choice strategy employed to vote on the final selectees. The trade-off is increased meritocracy, but potentially avoids pitfalls of more rigid eligibility criteria.