[RFC] - Alastor | w3s - Create a UNI-ARB Working Group

This RFC’s spirit promises to offer value to both the Uniswap and Arbitrum communities. The cross-protocol relationships and emphasis on establishing processes with accountability in mind are beneficial.

Unfortunately, establishing WG0, the associated nomination and elections, and the creation of two subgroups will be a cumbersome process requiring a dedicated attention span.

Also, as proposed, it’s not until week eight that the sub-working groups will establish key deliverables and budgets. This timeline poses a risk for decision-making based on sunk costs in an already complex process.

Despite my concerns about execution as proposed, I am interested in the intention.

  1. To me, where this RFC stands out is the creation of protocol delegates. Would you consider simplifying this proposal to encompass that mission solely?

  2. Is this merely being shepherded by Alastor and web3 Studios, or do you foresee your organization(s) having dedicated seats on these working groups?