This is Laura and Joanna from Other Internet. We welcome this template and propose the following additions in two areas based on our ongoing strategic research into partnerships and accountability in Uniswap governance:
- Provide detailed information about the deploying entity in addition to the proposed chain
- Provide detailed information about both financial and non-financial/indirect benefits to the Uniswap community that the proposer commits to, including a timeline on the delivery of any funds
Our suggested changes are added to the original template below in bold. We look forward to seeing other feedback and suggestions from the community on this initiative!
Cross-chain Deployment Proposal Template
- Summary of the Proposal.
- TL;DR including Proposed Chain, Deployer, Chain, Timeline to deployment, Benefits to Uniswap Community, and any other relevant information
- About the Proposed Chain
- Including, for instance, history of team, application ecosystem, size of user base, daily transfer volume, etc. + stage of development of the project (e.g. pre-launch, testnet, mainnet)
About the Deployer
- History of team, relationship to proposed chain team, relationship to Uniswap Labs, Uniswap community and/or UGP, community governance, information about native token, etc.
- Proposal
Financial benefits to Uniswap Community and/or DAO Treasury + timeline on delivery of any funds
- Any planned Liquidity Mining (optional) + timeline on delivery of any funds
- Any planned additional grants (optional) + timeline on delivery of any funds
- If metagovernance/dao2dao deal proposed, provide details of governance implementation
Non-financial/indirect benefits to Uniswap community e.g. increased user base
- Benefits to ethereum/web3 ecosystem, contribution to public goods (scaling, mass adoption, etc.)
- Any co-branding plans (optional) + details of the program
- Bridge security (Provide details based on current implementation as of proposal post date)
- Does the bridge support arbitrary message passing?
- Is the bridge secured by a trusted entity, by a multi sig, or a protocol/set of incentivized nodes?
- Does the bridge leverage the security of the source chain (e.g. Ethereum L1) or destination chain, or is security provided by another third party entity?
- Is it possible for a fraudulent message to be passed to the destination chain? If so, are there any recall mechanisms?
- What are the ramifications of fraud to the malicious actor?
- Has the bridge code been audited? By a third party? What attack vectors and vulnerabilities were identified, if any? Have the identified vulnerabilities been remedied?
- License Exemption - if Uniswap Labs is not deploying the protocol
- Sample language for a Layer 2 solution: "Team [or Company] X may use the Licensed Work to deploy it on Y, a layer 2 solution for Ethereum, provided that the deployment is subject to Ethereum layer 1 Uniswap Protocol governance and control.”
- List the entity receiving the exemption - important that the exemption isn’t for anyone to deploy on the chain but a specific entity/team.
- Timeline for deployment after Governance approval
Financial benefits to Uniswap Community and/or DAO Treasury + timeline on delivery of any funds