in theory yes (and not our tool, we’re just refactoring it) … this history of sourceCRED was that it was built several years ago on a grant, but after $$$ ran out, the team disbanded. They have a module for discourse but since LexDAO deprecated the use of that platform, we can’t say the most recent version works. Technical debt meant we had to spend some (scarce) paladin time to figure out why even the discord bot stopped working (incompatible upgrades). So if UniSwap wanted to put up a bounty on getting it working for discourse, we would spec the task (we’re scrapping the CRED token reward so its a custom vertical), and farm it out to say RaidGuild.
sourceCRED is still being used by some early web3 pioneers such as TokenEngineering Community and I’ve eyeballed AraCRED but those would be the old system which allocated rewards according to algorithm which hearsay could be gamed. You can even write new modules for other SNS but obviously doing it from scratch is more expensive. The challenging part (which is where privacy concern raises head) is that display handles on different SNS have different IDs so you can’t guarantee against identity theft.
The advantage I see to sourceCRED is that
- its is passive (so no intrusion beyond existing site policies),
- automated (great since legal engineering always short on dual-skill rogues+fighter) and
- the weighting can be tuned to encourage say … looking for long thoughtful pieces by delegates rather than snappy yes-yes-yes which may be evidence of lazy thinking.