Deploy Uniswap v3 to Arbitrum Mainnet

Thanks @andy8052 for this, and others for voicing your opinions!

I’d like to briefly explain the mechanics of what an on-chain governance action to accomplish this proposal would look like. As explained in the V3 announcement post, the V3 source code may not be used in a commercial or production setting for up to 2 years after launch without appropriate permission. However, additional use grants can be made via changes to v3-core-license-grants.uniswap.eth. Since Uniswap governance owns uniswap.eth, it’s possible for governance to create a text record at this subdomain indicating that a V3 deployment on the Arbitrum Mainnet which appropriately gives control over the factory owner address to Uniswap governance is not in violation of the license.

If this action passed, any deploy that met the criteria could become the canonical V3 on Arbitrum. It might be desirable to coordinate this deployment process with the Uniswap Labs team, so that (for example) the factory addresses on all canonical deploys would continue to be identical, as well as the Arbitrum team, for any technical issues that may arise.