Arbitrum LTIPP Incentive Matching

The snapshot vote concluded with $750k as the winning option. The on chain vote is now live with this winning option. Please take a look here:


Gauntlet has created a public dashboard here to update the community on where the distributions are currently and have happened. Please take a look.


The following reflects the views of L2BEAT’s governance team, composed of @kaereste and @Sinkas, and it’s based on the combined research, fact-checking, and ideation of the two.

We’ll be voting FOR the proposal during the on-chain vote, for the same reasons we voted in favor during temp-check.


Michigan blockchain has voted for the $750K incentive match on the temp check and on-chain votes. The ~1:1 match in USD demonstrates Uniswaps commitment to maintain its competitive edge in the ecosystem plus strengthen its relationship with Arbitrum. We support the current plan to use the funds to incentive LPs, but are also open for the funds to be used in other creative ways as discussed above. We trust the funds will be allocated in the most effective manner.


With the conclusion of the first pilot program, updates can be found at this link above, and a final in depth retro report will be published soon.

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A further update by Gauntlet has been posted! Over the next couple of months, a full program retro will be conducted and methodology and stickiness report will be posted as well.

Edit: Adding in a complete overview analysis from the Arbitrum LTIPP Grant: Results

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