A community analytics program for Uniswap


We appreciate you taking the time to work through an alternative mechanism to Uniswap Proposal 1.2.

The model presented here represents a small slice of Uniswap Proposal 1.2, misunderstood and targeted by Dune Analytics’ Twitter thread last month. The results weren’t simply $5k super dashboards (we have found bounties, btw, do not need to be nearly that high for effective on-demand outcomes). Uniswap Proposal 1.2 articulates analytics as a mechanism to educate and motivate new, well-equipped users to enter and become active participants in the Uniswap ecosystem.

Putting apples and oranges aside for a moment:

We recognize your recommendation as something that will feel native and comfortable to the crypto community. It mimics well the structure of a now-standard grants program; similar to ones run by Uniswap (@kenneth manages an amazing program) as well as by AAVE, Compound, and many others. To that end, many parts of the program will feel neutral and community-friendly.

While this ‘pilot-grant’ structure is recognizable, replicating it here is a misguided effort.

Your proposal notes that “running the program will be a time-consuming task that will require significant commitment by at least one of the committee members.” This underestimates the complexity and demands of running an effective on-demand analytics program at scale, and thus is likely to fail as currently framed.

An effective program consists of a number of variables:

Variable Details
Sourcing questions A strategy for culling questions from the protocol and community members.
Framing Questions Taking unstructured asks and turning them into effective bounty-able questions
Setting Bounty Fee Structures Evaluating question difficulty and assigning fee structure to the bounties
Evaluating Results & Quality Control* Reviewing and analyzing outputs for conclusiveness, quality control, and data clarity.
Payment Processing Fee distribution, accounting, tracking, and auditing. Also, enabling tax treatment processes.
Community Management There will be countless questions and commentary along the way that will require technical and social know-how

*Critically, evaluating results across platforms and data sets would require someone who is incredibly sophisticated in data, is operationally capable, can remain unbiased - and who will be able to dedicate an incredible amount of time each week to this service. At scale, the time required will require multiple full-time individuals.

We appreciate the effort here and commend Dune for drafting up this loose framework based on existing grant programs. Unfortunately, this vastly under-estimates and under-represents the effort and processes required to deliver a positive outcome.

The operational gaps it leaves are exactly what Flipside’s programs are designed to solve, and thus why we were compelled to introduce Community-Enabled Analytics to the community in the first place.

In a perfect world, Dune would have reached out to us to discuss, certainly to understand Proposal 1.2 before they went on the offensive and tweet-attacked it, and subsequently before they made this recommendation here.

As such, we look forward to integrating this general framework and feedback into our potential resubmission of proposal 1.2.