FranklinDAO (Prev. Penn Blockchain) Delegate Platform

Delegate Address: FranklinDAO.eth (0x070341aA5Ed571f0FB2c4a5641409B1A46b4961b)
Forum: @pennblockchain
Twitter: @PennBlockchain
External Website:

Delegate Statement

FranklinDAO is a student-run DAO composing of students at the University of Pennsylvania, and is one of the most active blockchain university orgs in the world. We look forward to playing a direct role in the on-chain governance of Uniswap, publishing research, running speaker events, and being the interface for college communities to access the bedrock infrastructure of a new and more equitable financial system.

We are deeply committed to preserving defi’s core values, and will gear our voting decisions based on:

1) Transparency

Committed to ensuring transparency of the protocol, and transparency about our decision-making process. We are committed to acting independently without external influence from third-parties. Penn Blockchain is always open to answering questions related to our votes on proposals.

2) Sustainability

We are committed to ensuring the long term sustainability and health of the DAOs we participate in and aim to help them steward their native protocols in perpetuity.

3) Inclusivity

Forging the best ideas requires diversity, fairness, and education , and we will strive to encourage these.

We want to make your voice heard! Please consider delegating to Penn Blockchain if you resonate with our mission.


Why is defi the future of France? What’s about the other parts of the world?


You say in your website that you are “running nodes with Wharton Blockchain Lab”. The latter co-created with the World Economic Forum (WEF) the 2 recent (May and June this year) reports on the alleged need to regulate DeFi now. In these reports, 3 out of the 7 proposed DeFi Political Defense board members participated. Do you ask people to delegate their votes to you so that the above 1M UNI proposal passes more easily? Can you clarify what your relationship with the WEF is?

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Didnt you guys support vote 5…with cheap gas coming i think people should self delegate

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Hey everyone, just wanted to give some updates on our Forum post. We have officially turned this page into our delegate platform and intend on expressing our reasoning for our on chain and snapshot votes here! Thank you all :slight_smile:!


[Consensus Check] “Fee switch” Pilot for Three Pairs

We voted YES, Implement Pilot as Outlined: Very interesting to see this fee switch turned on and think that the extra benefits added to resilience of the protocol outweigh possibly LP decreases from the 1/10 proposed fee. These three pairs listed are a great intro to test this out and we will be actively watching to see how things go!


[Temperature Check] Create the Uniswap Foundation

We voted YES: We have really enjoyed seeing this proposal being fleshed out and are incredibly satisfied with the final proposal/temp check! We are very confident in the team and are also incredibly optimistic for the future specifically with respect to governance. We look forward to getting more involved on this front and would love to contribute! :slight_smile:

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[Consensus Check] Create the Uniswap Foundation

We voted YES: Same reason as prior.

Thanks for writing this up for the community @pennblockchain. Excited to see your involvement in Uniswap governance increase in the coming months!


Create the Uniswap Foundation

We voted FOR: Looking forward to the finalization of this proposal and the start of something great for Uniswap!

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Should we deploy Uniswap v3 on Aurora?

We voted YES: As part of Uniswap’s multichain vision, we believe Aurora is a great and logical next step. As a rapidly increasing blockchain, that’s lets users easily onboard onto the nonEVM Near chain, Aurora is a nice connector between the EVM world Uniswap users are used to and newer and possibly more innovative nonEVM chains.


Deploy Uniswap V3 to zkSync

We voted YES: Worked together with zkSync to get this proposal out there. Temperature check now live here: Deploy Uniswap V3 to zkSync Looking forward to the RFC period the next few days!

Voted YES: Voted Yes to the consensus check as well.

Voted YES: Voted Yes to the on-chain vote as well.

Would it be better? Faster and smoother? We’er looking forward to it.

Optimism-Uniswap Protocol LM Program: Structure

We voted 3 Phases [50k/2w, 100k/3w, 650k]: We think the slightly tiered decrease in emissions for next 3 weeks is appropriate once liquidity has been provided, users’ TVL are sticky and less likely to move out. The final analysis before deploying the 650k rest is also appropriate.

Optimism-Uniswap Protocol LM Program: Pool selection

We voted WETH/USDC, WETH/DAI, USDC/DAI: The reason why we chose to add DAI/USDC as opposed to nothing or OP was because this stablecoin pair won’t need that much incentives to drive millions of dollars of liquidity to enter the pool. For example, users would be find taking for example 5% extra on a stable LP but would require 15% extra for a volatile pool, therefore, for the same amount of LM rewards, the stable pair could attract 3x as much liquidity.

Deploy Uniswap V3 to Boba Network

We voted YES: Worked together with zkSync to get this proposal out there.

Temperature Check passed with 15M votes
Consensus Check voted Yes

Temperature Check: Deploy Uniswap v3 on Scroll

We voted NO: Voting no for now as we’ve made attempts to talk with the Scroll team and no response yet. So voting no until we get some more clarity as many of the comments rolling through on the forums still are/have been suspicious and the team has done nothing to interacting with delegates that we know of. Not many of key Uniswap players seem to care right now and no real comments on the forums, so we think it is better tabled now until we get more clarity and communication.

Hi there, thanks so much for taking the time to read through our proposal. We regret that our proposal drew so many spam comments to the forum which should be a place for constructive discussion. We have been in close contact with the Uniswap Foundation to resolve this. This is the first time this happened to us and we are taking notes to avoid this in the future where we can.

We chose to post the Temperature Check for a testnet deployment in order to be in close contact with the Uniswap community from the start and be able to make sure everything is running smoothly before considering a deployment on mainnet. We take your feedback seriously and would love to get the chance to chat.

Thanks for the follow up here! Appreciate you taking steps to sort out the comment spam.

In the direction message you sent to us in paralle to this forum post, you mentioned “Next to the Uniswap Foundation we have been in touch with many delegates ahead of time including Gauntlet, She256, Blockchain at Berkley, etc. All of which have signalled support once we are ready to start the governance process for mainnet.” We are in touch with all of these delegates as well and would love to chat. I believe Kydo from llama/stanford has set up a chat has been set up with us and Berkeley. We are waiting for someone from Scroll to join and answer some of the questions we all have.


Hey can you loop me in here too? Feels like a bit of a departure and just want to make sure I’m getting the whole story.

Hey @eek637 Shoot us a DM! We had a call with the Scroll team, got a lot more background on everything and learned about the team. Happy to answer any questions we can.